
Thursday 21 December 2017

15 Interesting Facts About Android Operating System

15 Facts About Android

1. Google did not create Android, They bought company ins 2005.
2. Android was originally created for digital camera.
3. It is based on open source Operating System in Linux.
4. It control 88% of the world smartphone market.
5. The first Android prototype look a lot like BlackBerry.
6. Samsung had a chance to buy Android in late 2004 but did not see any potential in it.
7. And  a very special one, Android refers  only to a male robot, Where a female robot is called Gynoid
8. Google has statues outside its HQ. For each version of Android Operating System.
9. After Android 1.0 and 1.1, all other Android version have been names after sweet treats or desserts. Name are
A. Cupcake – Android 1.5
B. Donut – Android 1.6
C. Eclair – Android 2.0
D. Froyo – Android 2.2
E. Gingerbread – Android 2.3
F. Honeycomb – Android 3.0
G. Ice Cream Sandwich – Android 4.0
H. Jelly Bean – Android 4.1 – 4.3.1
I. KitKat – Android 4.4 – 4.4.4
J. Lollipop – Android 5.0 – 5.1.1
K. Marshmallow – Android 6.0 – 6.0.1
L. Nougat – Android 7.0 – 7.1
10. The very first Android phone from 2008 had no headphone jack and required an adapter.
11. Google Maps calculating traffic by tracking how fast android devices are moving on the road.
12. Android devices sell more than all other combined devices devices.
13. In late 2008, many critics thought Android would fail miserably.
14. Android Logging System has a method called wtf() which stands for “What a Terrible Failure

15. In 2010, Anssi Vanjoki, CEO of Nokia, said that using Android is like a Finnish boy peeing his pants to stay warm

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